Frequently-asked questions

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눈이 편한 MPC 렌즈 / 3만원 이상 무료 배송

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Frequently-asked questions

Frequently-asked questions 목록

  1. Who are you?

    We are one of Asia’s largest contact lenses distributors, but in keeping up with the times, we are now offering our products direct to consumers online. You can read more about us
  2. What lenses should I buy?

    Contact lenses are a medical device, and as such, we really recommend you consult an eyecare professional about what brands are suitable for your needs. We do not and will not offer any medical advice, but we can give tips on care for lenses, pros and cons of different types of lenses, and more!
  3. Dailies, weeklies or monthlies?

    Generally, daily disposables are popular choices. They are easy to care for as you toss them out every day, and are also great for glasses-wearers who just want to wear a pair occasionally, such as to a date or during sports. Longer wear lenses offer some cost-savings compared to dailies, and give you the advantage of being able to take them in and out throughout the day, e.g. when you want to take them off when working. You will have to be diligent in taking care of them though, and the cost of solutions and cases also add up. They may also be hard to keep track of when you need to change them, but thankfully that can be avoid by using one of our subscription plans!
  4. Are contact lenses troublesome?

    Some years back they really were, but advancement in technology means lenses are softer, easier to wear, more comfortable and much less prone to giving you eye problems. Daily disposables allow you to just pop them in, forget about them for the day, and throw them out at night. Longer wear lenses will need cleaning with a solution after every wear, but that really is a breeze too. As long as you keep things clean, wearing contacts is no different than having perfect vision!
  5. How do I handle contact lenses?

    Keeping contacts clean is really very simple! 1. Wash your hands with soap and water thoroughly. 2. Make a habit of always starting with the same eye. That way you will not mess up prescriptions! 3. Fill your contact lens case with fresh solution. 4. Take out your contact lens and place it in the palm of your hand. 5. Put a small amount of cleaning solution, and rub back and forth gently with your index finger. 6. Rinse off with extra solution, and place the contact lens back in it’s case.
  6. Do I need a prescription to order from your site?

    For most countries, no. But for certain countries like Singapore, where contact lens sales are more tightly regulated, our staff may request for a prescription from you before we are able to ship your order. Regardless of your local laws, we absolutely recommend getting your eyes checked by an eyecare professional before making a purchase. Your eyecare professional will be able to recommend brands and types of lenses suitable for your eyes, which will ensure comfort and safety. In most countries, opticians are bound by law to give you a copy of your prescription after getting an eye check, so don’t be afraid to ask for it without making a purchase.
  7. What payment modes do you accept?

    We accept all major credit cards, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and will be extending our payment modes to Wechat Pay and Alipay as well. Please let us know if there is a different mode of payment you would like to use, and we can always look into setting it up. Please contact us directly if you have any issues at all regarding payment. Buying contact lenses should be hassle-free!
  8. What are subscriptions like?

    Subscriptions are a great way to make sure you never forget to buy new lenses, and also save some money with our subscription prices! Billing cycles depends on your lens type. We give 2 examples below: 1. Quarterly subscription for 6 pack monthly lenses: If you ordered your first pack on 20 February, you will be billed next on 20 May. 2. 30-day subscription for a pack of 30 daily lenses: If you ordered your first pack on 20 February, you will be billed next on 21 March. That is because the lenses last for 30 days, not a month. By doing this, we ensure that you will always have lenses when you need them, but never have to waste extra lenses. All subscriptions are contract-free, and you can terminate them anytime, free of charge. As our subscription section is still undergoing construction, just drop us an email should you wish to start a subscription package and we will assist you individually!
  9. Subscriptions termination

    Your subscription can be terminated anytime either by emailing us or doing it yourself through your customer account. Our subscription plans are there to give you a convenience, not to tie you down with any contracts! There will be no termination fees whatsoever. In the event that you may need to shift the date of your next billing cycle forwards/backwards or pause your subscription, please do not hesitate to email us and we will assist you at no charge.
  10. Change of mind

    Should you ever change your mind regarding your purchase, please do not hesitate to email us immediately. If we are able to stop the order, we will usually be happy to do it at no extra charge. If the order has been sent, however, we usually do not accept returns anymore. But feel free to email us anyway, we’re always there to try and help you solve your problems!
FAQ 검색


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